Saturday, December 27, 2008

Mom & Dad have been able to hold both boys for extended periods of time. They do extremely well in our arms. Their respiratory rates and O2 sats seem to level out & stabilize when lying on our chests and snuggling. It does good for both babies and parents to bond this early.

By the end of our snuggle time, the nurses have to peel Kian and Ethan away from us! We just count the hours until our next hands on and holding time.

Once again, we found one of our boys in the most interesting of positions. Here's how we found Ethan one afternoon. He seemed comfortable and relaxed and wasn't interested in moving!

Mom & Dad think they are making significant improvements. They each have their minor problems, but overall they're growing well. Ethan is breathing well and tolerating being on room air through his CPAP. He's honery and has many crabby spells. He has his difficulties having bowel movements and we pray every day for a stool from him. It's been days, but he seems to be digesting his food very well. We just keep crossing our fingers! Ethan is gaining weight. He now weighs 2lbs 8.4oz! Yay!
Kian is a little more "floaty" on his oxygen. Sometimes he needs more-sometimes less. He's more laid back- as expected. He's stooling up to 4 times per day and digesting his food well too. He's gained weight. As of Christmas, he was weighing 2lbs 10.5oz. What a fatty!!

Here's a pic from Saturday, December 27 with Dad holding Kian and Mom holding Ethan during kangaroo care. We were able to hold them for over 70minutes and once again the nurses had to peel them away from us. They are doing so well! Mom goes back to work on Monday and it will be difficult not to be around them all the time, but for Mom's sanity, it's probably best. She'll only be a building away and hopefully will be able to sneek away for lunch for a visit. We'll continue our visiting schedule with a 7:30AM wake up visit, Mom will visit during lunch and Mom and Dad will be back after work at 7:30 for some quality time. It doesn't leave us much time for poor Zio, but our neighbor has agreed to give him some quality care during this busy/stressful time.

Thanks to all for your love, support and prayers!


  1. The Boys are beautiful and seem to have changed a lot since I saw them last! I love your updates and that they are doing so well with kangaroo care! Hugs and eat up! ;-)

  2. I'm sure today was a rough day going back to work! It could be worse...I could be the nurse you have to leave them with!!

    Glad to see them growing - and the smiles they put on your faces!

