Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday outing!

We enjoyed a little outing on Sunday for brunch with some friends. It was a great, relaxing adventure and we were REALLY well-behaved! We surprised mom with our wonderful behavior!
Julie & Abby with Ethan
Brian & Grant with Kian

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Our wonderful trip

We've arrived home from our GREAT trip out West. Our very first trip to California. Again, we were not so wonderful companions on the plane, however, Mom did get her first compliment from the man behind her from the very last lag of the flight. He said to the flight attendant that he didn't even know there was a baby sitting ahead of him, let alone 2 babies! Mom and Dad did there share of covering E & K's mouths when they were about to scream!

We have great memories from our trip to Cali and we want to share some of them with you.

Ethan and Grammie playing the "bonk" game.

Hanging out with Grammie's friends during our party

Mojie loves her boys!

A picture with family

Kian playing with his most fun toy... an empty water bottle!!

A boy and his dog! Ethan sure loves his puppies and we think Max liked him back. Kian, on the other hand, wasn't so well liked after he grabbed Max by the scruff and shook him.

Mom's college friends stopped by to visit, too!

Baba-Jun loves his grandbabies!

Ethan took a liking to his Uncle Andy!

We had a great time. It is great to be back home and on our regular schedule. Ethan has been quickly catching up to his brother in all his gross motor movements. He even has been standing up for himself and not letting Kian push him around. Mom is trying to catch some of their wrestling matches on video so we can post them...pretty darn cute!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

13 months old!

We are 13 months old today! Another milestone! We visited the doc for our 1 year check up. He said that as far as he's concerned, we're all caught up! We're doing things as expected for other kids our age. We technically have until we're 2 years old to get caught up, but we're well on our way to perfection! By the way, Kian has finally caught up on his weight to Ethan. They weigh about the same.
Here's a general update...
Eating- Ethan eats everything! Kian hates mushy stuff. If it has toast consistency, then Kian will eat it. We struggle daily to get Kian to eat his vegetables. We're drinking whole cow's milk out of a sippy cup.
Sleeping- We're still taking 2 naps per day. Around 9AM and 1PM. Sometimes we talk through the whole thing, but at least Mom & Dad still get an hour of sanity time while we hang out in our cribs! We sleep from 6:30-7pm-ish til 6:00AM.
Moving- Ethan finally decided he would crawl full-time. He'd been army crawling since September. Both are pulling up and cruising. Kian even gets gutsy and let's go for a few seconds before he plops to the floor. Mom's guess is that Kian will be walking by Valentine's Day.

Kian went with Daddy to get a haircut on Sunday. Here's an after shot of his new do!

Ethan hanging out and pulling up!
Boys playing with their walker

Thankful for another wonderful month!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

Goofing around on New Years eve. It was a very uneventful night for the Madjid family. Nonetheless, we welcomed in the new year with open arms. Yay for a healthy 2010!

Ethan got his first hairs cut! He sure does look spiffy, just in time to go visit Grammie and Baba-Jun!