Sunday, December 21, 2008

Days like this make it all worth while...

ETHAN- Day 10

After a dramatic day for Mom yesterday (Dad made her rest all day and she went without seeing the boys until 5:00pm), the events of today made it all okay. The morning started early in the hospital. We were there early enough for "hands-on" time where Dad changed Ethan's diaper and Mom changed Kian's diaper. Again, we got some great shots of each of the boys with their gear off.

KIAN- Day 10

After a little while, the nurses asked if we wanted to do some kangaroo care. Mom was ecstatic! For over 10 minutes, Mom was skin-to-skin with Ethan. Ethan is keeping his O2 sats up a little better so it was Ethan's turn. However, the doctor wrote that if Kian was behaving, he could do it too. Since we had Kian's CPAP mask off for an extended period this morning, we thought we would let him rest and possibly try another time.

We are doing so well. The boys are changing every day and growing up. It's amazing what one week will do for preemies. Tomorrow we would have been 29 weeks gestation. Doctor ordered routine lab work, a repeat head ultrasound, and each is still only eating 3mls of breastmilk every 12 hrs, but hopefully that will increase as their bowels start to move. They each had to have another suppository today and we've heard that Kian's has already worked. I guess Dad missed another poopy diaper by the hair of his "chinny chin chin". Thank God for another day of life!!

Dad working on a temperature and diaper change on Ethan

Proud parents with Ethan Lawrence

Mom and Dad's hands holding Ethan

1 comment:

  1. I definitely see Tammy's chin in Kian! If the boys get any cuter, I'm going to have to come for a second visit! Actually, I hope to get to again real soon anyway! They've changed so much since I was last there!
