Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We've been busy, please forgive our lack of updates. It's getting warm outside and our favorite thing to do is go out and play. We burn lots of energy and we're tired by the end of the day (and I think Mom and Dad are too).

Ethan enjoying daddy pushing him on his lion

Kian on his lion

Grandmama came to visit and she and Ethan are reading 8 Silly Monkeys. Ethan and Kian's favorite book!

Kian helping Daddy carrying in groceries from their grocery shopping adventure!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

We snuck out of the house yesterday afternoon and yes...we still had our jammies on!

A quick picture before we went to the home and garden show on Sunday. Can you tell we were soooo excited to go???

Friday, March 12, 2010

15 months old!

It's true, another month has flown by and we have learned A LOT of things in the past few days. We've been super good in behavior since Mom and Dad have been feeling under the weather the past few days. But in that time where we have been 'good', we've been able to explore and get in to trouble too. A few things we've learned...

How to climb IN the toy box for our favorite toys...

And how to put on that sneaky grin so I don't get in trouble!

I've learned that if I always give my 'innocent' face, I get away with a lot... I tend to blame it all on my brother!

I've learned that George is my favorite stuffed animal and its more fun if Mom and Dad have to pick him up off the floor a million times a day rather than being in my crib.

We've learned how to share, and read a book together (for 10 seconds) before we scream at each other.
We've (Kian has) learned how to climb up on the couch without any assistance and jump on the couch.
And best yet...Ethan has learned how to WALK!!! Yes, his first few steps on camera for his walking debut! Yay for Ethan!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Enjoying a 70degree day in March!

Our postings have been bleak that last few weeks, we know. We've been cooped up in the house with horrendous colds just to end up with both of us having double ear infections! Yuck! But, 48hours on antibiotics and we are new boys again! Ready to go out and enjoy the sunshine.

We went to the park today to celebrate a birthday with a friend and also hang out as a family.

Here we are, Ethan and Mommy enjoying the tire swing.

Kian LOVES the slide. He couldn't get enough of it!

Daddy coaxing Ethan down the slide.

A little grumpy because we offered him cake instead of his sippy cup with milk. Geez Mom, you should have known I was thirsty, not hungry for some chocolate birthday cake!

Daddy and Kian going for a walk

Playing with the statue of the puppy

We look forward to many more warm days so we can get out and enjoy the weather!