Thursday, June 24, 2010

At the pool!

Another summer day at the pool! We spent some time there on father's day and almost every other day since. It's been pretty hot outside so we can't spend too long there. We're 18months old. Can you believe it??

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No news is good news!

Not much of an update. Boys are doing well. Mom and Dad are doing well. We're enjoying the summer and being out. Our favorite activity is being in the pool. Our next favorite activity is going to the park with our nanny. Couldn't ask for a better start to summer! Lots of splish splashin' going on!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A very busy but very fun Memorial Day weekend with family. We went to Omaha to visit Auntie Buffy, Uncle Steve and cousins Maris and Tiffany.
We went to the Tulsa zoo on Thursday before we left but this zoo in Omaha doesn't even compare. It's AWESOME!! We spent some time petting the goats and LOVING it!

A group picture with a goat on a rock

Playing (aka fighting) in the playhouse we bought for Maris and Tiffany for their 2nd birthday!

Uncle Ash filling up the pool for Maris and Tiffany's birthday party

Morning snack time by the pool organized by Auntie Tammy/Mommy

And who thought 2 sets of twins 2yrs and under couldn't be organized???? Lunch time before the birthday party!

Cheesing for the camera before jumping in the pool!

Very tired, but very HAPPY!!! Loved the time with our cousins!