Thursday, October 4, 2012

The second half of our trip to Cali!

We spent an early morning bug hunting in California and Daddy helped us catch a praying mantis. 
We kept it in a little jar and watched it for a few days. 
A shot of Baba Jun and his grandsons! 

Mommy and Daddy then left us with Grammie and BabaJun and went to a wedding of a good friend in New Port Beach.  Mommy met up with some close friends/teammates from college.  She had so much fun! 
 A shot of Mommy and Daddy at the beach at the wedding.  A fun night out and so great to get dressed up!
 Back at the house, we play with Grammie and her iPad piano and games.
 And when Mommy and Daddy came home for NewPort Beach, they took us to the beach.  This is our favorite memory from our trip.  We played for endless hours at the beach and had some quality family time. 
 Since we were told that buckets and shovels were "out of season", Mommy settled on cups and bowls for our digging equipment in the sand.
 Daddy and Mommy showed us how to build sand castles
and Daddy was adventurous enough to take us into the ocean.
 Kamran and Ethan dug in the sand together for hours!
 A quick pic of Daddy and Kamran
 Mommy and her big boys!
Mommy holding her baby
 Cheese from Kian.  He was so excited being on the beach.
 And a grin from Kamran...he couldn't be happier!
 Ethan being the fabulous big brother that he is, he is always willing to play with his little brother and keep him entertained.  They have so much fun together, especially wrestling.
 Kian riding the wave.  Daddy was teaching him how to boogie board and he actually caught the wave!

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