Thursday, August 19, 2010

Learning new things!

Summer months are coming to a close but its still hotter then ever here. We're exploring new things and learning to do new things too!

Our first experience with a real sprinkler...both were super excited to see what it was all about!

Learning to share our toys, our space and our fun times together. The space part didn't last long (as you can see Ethan getting ansy) but we can do it for a few seconds at least!!

Eating popsicles outside and sharing it with Daddy! Yay for us!!

Learning to eat cereal with a spoon before dumping the milk all over the floor! That is still our favorite activity to watch Mommy get soooo mad at us!!

Sharing our fish snacks at the pool with our friends...not a "MINE" in our vocabulary. At least not yet!!
We've even got down the 2 step commands like - go get your shoes and bring them to Mom!

Before you know it, we'll be smart enough to go to kindergarten!!

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