We picked our own roses to give Mommy on Mother's Day (of course with Daddy's help!). Mommy was sure surprised. As icky as Kian feels he sure can put a smile on Mommy's face all the time!
We've been back to the doctor with poor Kian for his ears and they are really infected. He's on another round of antibiotics and the doctor even suggested tubes. So, as much as we are trying to avoid them and the cost of a minor surgery, it seems inevitable. Mom and Dad have even been interviewing nannies so that we don't have to go to daycare and be exposed to all those nasty bugs and germs but they believe the time has come. Yes, being preemies predisposes us to nasty ear infections. Mom and Dad are hoping that with fixing Kian's ears his speech will rapidly pick up too. So, off to the ENT doctor. (Good thing Mom just dropped us from her medical insurance...not so much!). Kian has been a trooper through these past couple weeks.
Roses for our Mommy
Happy Mother's Day. TB's tubes helped him though I avoided them as long as possible. Good luck with the surgery. We had dr. hottie...I mean Hawkins. LOL!