What a difference one year makes. Can you believe at 2:29pm December 12, 2008, Kian Peter was born weighing 2lb 6oz and clinging to life?At 2:30pm Ethan Lawrence was born weighing 2lbs 7oz. An amazing year!
We have A LOT to be thankful for and remembered that as we stuffed our faces with our birthday cake today. Never in a million years did we expect to be doing some of the things we can do today. We remember Ryan Antonio today too, missing him, but know he's in a good place!
Mom has put together a slide show of pics from birth til now. Thank you to everyone for the prayers!!
Happy Birthday boys! I can hardly believe it! they have gotten so BIG! And of course, we are praying for their continued growth and development and restful hearts for all of you as you remember Ryan. :)