Sunday, December 27, 2009

Our very first Christmas home together!

Those of you dreaming for your white Christmas in Oklahoma please; do no more dreaming, unless you are planning to come help us shovel. Mommy moved south so she wouldn't have to shovel and we do not want to hear anymore complaints from her! Daddy helping Ethan open up a Christmas gift
Mommy helping Kian open a gift from Great Auntie Joan and Great Uncle Jerry

Kian dancing to Daddy's new CD

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Santa said...

SANTA said...

if we were good boys he'd stop at our house. We've already discussed how we're going to gather treats for his reindeer...Kian will save all his carrots that he usually just throws on the floor or hides in his bib and we'll put them out so Rudolph can find his way to our house. Dad told us if we switched to whole milk from formula and drank from our sippy cups instead of bottles, he would help Santa find his way to the Madjid house. So- deal is a deal and we're DONE with bottles and formula- no questions asked- no fits thrown- all in less than 48hours.
We're good little boys, aren't we?? Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

our new long johns

Too cute to pass up!! Thanks, 'Auntie Amber', for the adorable long johns! We love them!! We'll see you soon!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our 1st Birthday Party!

It was nothing too big, but definitely a special day. We got to open presents and eat our very 1st cupcake. Of course, Mom made it a Curious George themed birthday party!

Kian & Daddy opening up a present
Ethan & Daddy playing with our birthday present
With our birthday hats ready to eat some birthday cake!

Do you think it was good?

Kian agrees! Yes, please excuse my pink bib, we were borrowing one from our cousin!!

Happy 1st Birthday, Kian & Ethan! You are our miracles!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A full year later we are still miracles!

We have A LOT to be thankful for and remembered that as we stuffed our faces with our birthday cake today. Never in a million years did we expect to be doing some of the things we can do today. We remember Ryan Antonio today too, missing him, but know he's in a good place!

Mom has put together a slide show of pics from birth til now. Thank you to everyone for the prayers!!

Do they know it's Christmas time??

We've figured out what those beautiful packages with pretty bows are under that prickly green tree. Although we're being good so far and haven't opened any of the packages, we have pushed them around the house and sat on them and even plotted together to get the bow un-tied. We spend many minutes playing with these packages when Mom is busy picking up or preparing our lunch. Shhhh...don't tell her! By the way...IT'S ONE WEEK BEFORE OUR 1ST BIRTHDAY!!!!

Ethan pushing a present
In trouble...together!

Kian figuring out the bow

GUILTY face!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Waiting patiently...

Mom couldn't resist taking this picture. We're waiting patiently behind her dam that is preventing us from reaching Zio's food and water. Are we waiting patiently for Zio so we can play???? or Are we waiting patiently for the right moment so we can attack the dog dishes and play in the food and be the judge!