Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pool party at the Madjid's!

A perfect Sunday afternoon gave us a chance to hang out with Mom & Dad in the backyard in the pool. This was our first experience in the pool and it took a little time getting used to sitting in water. Ethan sat and played with his rubber ducky while Kian splish-splashed everybody including his brother!

A typical day hanging out at home...somewhat mischievous?

This tongue is for you, Grandma! I know how much you like it sticking out!

1 comment:

  1. Big boys! They will have to come by for a pool party at the Johnson house sometime. Speaking of which, I bought little swimmer diapers for The Boy at the end of last season only to have him learn to use the toilet prior to this swim season. Next time I see you, you can have them. Might not work for this year, but certainly for next. :)
