Kamran is 6 months old! Unbelievable how time has flown by. He is hitting the typical six month milestones like: rolling over, sitting supported, blowing raspberries, cooing, putting everything in his mouth, rocking on all fours, and starting to teeth. We are predicting he will be left-handed just like his brother, Kian, and just like his Mommy should have been. But only a prediction. We are still enjoying every minute of his mild manners and he has even started cooing himself to sleep and not crying. He's scheduled more and more every day making it easier to keep his big brothers entertained and organized. However, he LOVES his naps and foods and don't try to skip one...or else!!!!
Kian is posing with his brother
Ethan staring at the TV...and trying to ignore Mom!
Another shot of Kamran loving life. He LOVES his baths and enjoys splishing and splashing. Its his one-on-one time with Mom or Dad in the evenings before his 6:30 bedtime.
We introduced food for the first time this weekend and he's a pro! He's been watching us put things in our mouths and trying to mimic us, so as much as we'd like to keep him a baby forever, we decided now was better than ever!! And boy...did he enjoy his rice cereal!
Second thoughts on that spoonful of green beans????